Wednesday, March 29, 2006

post 239. dadaist monologues from spam emails.

my inbox, as it is for so many people, is filling with junk email, but several have been coming to me with these strange dadaist's one i got today:

piggyback the inferno and sponge cake. reveler?
pressurized red detain the and?! road as realist inordinately, off-white helmet perspire, prophet at cane a freak out coal mutilate electrolysis,
unauthorized shutdown beyond, of as frustrating, the turn. it validate patriotic heroically payee a the Holy Ghost an
accordion, departmental billy goat. a fleet misspent unfortunate pipeline simile,
nuclear of convivial... ardent, pot fiend Civil War
pepperoni it pursue to maturity enclave
deduce. emergency as flatulence, day. and tobacco and rapid transit dissemination. merriment. inexcusable. was as unprintable a the and underwrote. the loyally, VCR a buff
click honest chicken feed dryly the this desist, discussion chubby agitator pitiless
triumph fag of sovereignty that wager sucker forwarding address greatness simultaneously
lay as master of ceremonies computer, the semantics, cigarette paramount an