Wednesday, July 13, 2005

post 85. the amended ending for scene 1 of frank, crystal, prince da, and mr. superfantastic guy (draft 3).

i thought this new end part would be better than just having another scene...

FRANK. [Suddenly taking a step towards the exiting crowd.] I better go make sure our buddy doesn’t need any help spelling, or something. Later. [He turns and goes after the crowd. CRYSTAL watches him leave with a frustrated look on her face. She is alone on stage as the lights fade and the curtains close. Along with the curtains, we hear the ominous clak clak clak of wooden pegs walking along the wooden stage. After the curtains have closed for a moment, they draw back and we see nothing but ominous shapes lit by a cigarette which is being held by a tall figure C.S. Then the stage is lit by a single light bulb hanging from a solitary cord dropped from above. The backdrop are the cold stone walls of a basement far below the city. Directly below the light is a simple wooden table with various plans strewn across it and an ashtray. Behind it, holding the cigarette is PRINCE DA, a tall, thin man with long, black hair that covers his entire face. He holds the cigarette on an outstretched, awkward-looking arm. He wears a long Japanese robe that is white save for a single vertical red line that draws down the front of the evil mastermind. Around him on the stage twenty-nine henchmen, all wearing the same Japanese robes.]

PRINCE DA. [While he talks he does not move.] Mr. Superfantastic Guy has dispatched the Banker.

HENCHMEN. [Together.] Yes, Prince Da.

PRINCE DA. The Banker was foolish, and unfocused.

HENCHMEN. [Together.] Yes, Prince Da.

PRINCE DA. All the criminals in this city are foolish and unfocused. Cartoon animals and Saturday Matinee evil-doers. [The Henchmen laugh.] It will soon be time to reveal ourselves to the world, and destroy Mr. Superfantastic Guy.

HENCHMEN. [Together.] Yes, Prince Da. [The THIRTIETH HENCHMAN enters clak-claking S.L.]

THIRTIETH HENCHMAN. Prince Da, we have finished the weapon.

PRINCE DA. [A nice, big, fat, dramatic pause.] It is now time to reveal ourselves to the world, and destroy Mr. Superfantastic Guy. [The Henchman all turn and exit S.L. and S.R. while the curtain begins to close.] But first we must test our new weapon…[Blackout and curtain.]